Home Improvement Cleaning

How to Reduce Allergens at Home

Protecting yourself from indoor allergens can be done through frequent cleaning in the home. Here are some ways to reduce the allergens inside your home. Read!

Allergens create a lot of trouble at home, especially if you have family members who are prone to allergies. Some of the allergens like dust, pollen, plants, dust mites, cockroaches, animals and mould are not avoidable. They find their way inside your home by whatever means possible and create trouble for your family.

While it’s difficult to keep allergens completely away from your home, you can manage their presence by following a few preventative measures at your home.

In this blog, you will learn to reduce the allergens so that your children and other family members can breathe fresh air inside your home.

Hire professional cleaning services

You might do regular cleaning and vacuuming inside your home but may fail to care about your roof and gutters. These are the wet places where there is a high chance of mould growth. It could seep inside your home causing respiratory issues for your family.

Additionally, cleaning mould in high-rise areas is a risky job, so it’s better to hire professional cleaning services for roof and gutter cleaning.

They have the equipment and knowledge to do a perfect cleaning job at difficult places like roofs and gutters. Hiring them once or twice annually will greatly hinder the mould growth, clearing the air surrounding your home.

Eliminate pests from your home

Pests are one of the major sources for bringing allergens in your home. Pests like rats, cockroaches and mites spread the allergens to every part of your home. If you are not cleaning properly, the allergens get mixed with the air that you breathe inside your home.

To reduce the risk, eliminate pests from your home. You can set traps for rats and use sprays for cockroaches so that they do not multiply their breed. If you are unsure of setting the traps, you could call a professional pest exterminator to do the work for you.

Try to keep your home dry with proper ventilation

Wet and moisture places are the perfect spots for mould growth. They also thrive in poorly ventilated environments and spread throughout your home. Always keep your home dry with proper ventilation.

To reduce moisture, fix all the leaky pipes and taps at your home, and avoid placing carpet on the concrete floors. Think about placing a dehumidifier in wet areas like bathrooms and balconies. When it’s sunny, open doors and windows so that the home gets enough sunshine to make the place dry.

Have pet-free areas

You may love your pets immensely but they also carry allergens through their saliva, hair, and dander. So, create pet-free areas at your home – one of them being your kid’s bedroom. Create another zone in your home where your pet can’t roam freely so that it’s not spreading allergens to that area too.

Also, keep your pet clean and wash it regularly so that it’s hygienic and is keeping your family safe. Strictly clean its litter, poop and always change their bedding at least once a week.

Use hypoallergenic fabrics and casings on beds and pillow

Dust mites are the most common indoor allergen, especially in the bedroom. The most effective way to deal with dust mites is by using hypoallergenic fabrics. Also, you have to wash all the bedding at least twice a month. So while you are purchasing pillows and cushions, make sure they are easily washable.

Consider wooden floors

While placing a rug or carpet has its benefits, they are the major preserve for dust mites and other allergens. Instead, you can keep the floors bare and hard so that the allergens do not burrow deep. However, if removing the rug is unavoidable, then invest in a quality vacuum that will suck the dust from the innermost parts of the rug fabric.

Use a damp cloth to dust off surfaces

Instead of using a dry cloth to clean the dust, damp it a little so that the dust gets stuck to the cloth. You can then wash the cloth to remove the allergens completely. Regularly clean the dusty areas and objects like tables, remotes, mobiles, countertops, etc.

You can limit the presence of allergens inside your home by regularly cleaning and vacuuming. Take extra care while cleaning the kitchen and bathroom and never keep the leftovers on the table or floors. Make sure your home is receiving better ventilation so that your house feels fresh and airy.